If you are looking how to protect your event field please continue reading as we have written a few tips on how to do just that.
Planning Ahead
When organising an event one thing you can not plan or control is the weather especially in the UK as it is very unpredictable. So the first thing we always do at our events when the weather forecast has a chance of raining is using trackway mats. Trackway mats can can be used to create a temporary roadway and footpaths if the weather is going to be bad. Trust us if you plan ahead with your trackway matting you can save thousands of pounds in damages to your fields.
Another field saver is planing ahead with where to place your heavier vehicles or the equipment that needs the heaviest vehicles to setup. If you can keep these vehicles and equipment closer to the entrance, roads and paths you will be able to use less trackway mats and prevent less damage if any at all to your fields.
Vehicles Staying On Site
If some large vehicles need to stay on site it is also best to put these vehicles on trackway mats as it prevents the wheels from sinking and creating big holes in the field. It will also help the large vehicles from getting stuck and gives them a better chance of moving if the weather takes a turn for the worst.
Large Events
When it comes to some big events it is impossible to protect all the fields from the thousands of people walking on them but you can protect the most used parts of the fields. You can do this by laying pathways at entrances, exits, bars and stage areas. If you are lucky enough to have an event with thousands of people this can prevent your event turning the fields into a farmers ploughed field.
Trackway Hire Cost
You might be thinking it will cost a lot of money to hire all these trackway mats but actually it is saving you a lot more money than you will spend on fixing the damaged fields. When fixing a damaged field it can take up to 10 months for all the grass to grow back and looking like a normal field again. Not only will it protect the fields but it will also show the land owners you are professional and you care about their land. It will also give you a better chance of the land owner letting you use the event field again and maybe for multiple events throughout the year.
Hope this has given you some new ideas on how to protect your event fields.
Trackway Hire
At eddy leisure we work with event organizers all across the country helping them protect there event fields. If you are interested in hiring trackway mats for your events please take a look at our trackway hire page. If you would like help or need information on our trackway mats please contact us.